Differential effects of acetylcholine and glutamate blockade on the spatiotemporal dynamics of retinal waves

Evelyne Sernagor, Stephen J. Eglen and Michael J. O'Donovan

Supplementary information

Supplementary information for J. Neurosci. 2000 20: RC56 (full text).

This page shows some examples of retinal waves taken under both control and drug conditions. Each wave is shown at 30 frames per second, the same rate as acquisition. ROIs are colour-coded using the same calibration as in Figure 2 (from blue (baseline activity) to red (above-threshold activity). The horizontal scale bar represents 100 mm. The large green square indicates the centre of the wave at each timestep - this is shown only when at least twenty cells are above threshold.

The images are in the animated GIF format which can be viewed in most modern browsers. The images will loop -- at the end of the wave, it returns to the start of the wave.

Cholinergic blockade

Control. ACh block 1. ACh block 2.

In the control wave, most cells (95%) were recruited as the wave smoothly spreads from left to right. Under ACh blockade (with mecamylamine) the waves propagated less, recruiting less cells (recruitment 56% and 52% respectively).

Glutamatergic blockade

Control. Glut block 1. Glut block 2.

In the control wave, the velocity is high (870 mm/s). Under glutamate blockade (with CNQX), waves still propagate, but at much slower speeds ( 285 mm/s and 221 mm/s respectively). The first drug wave also shows that waves can travel in spirals.