My past as an amateur astronomer ....

Actually being interested in the sky is the reason why I ended up studying physics..................................... well, I also have some very good friends, we do also have other things that we like in common, like eating hamburgers, pizzas, and drink beer, just to mention some. Here they are:





It all started when I was thirteen and we moved to a country house, near Florence. Nothing quite exciting to do, so in the evenings I started to look at the sky, builded my own first telescope, etc....

Then I met in the following years a lot of other people interested in Astronomy, created an amateur astronomer association and a group for planetary observations. We builded a small observatory (next to my little wineyard) and did a lot of planetary and comet observations. Here it is:



I don't want to duplicate things here, so please go and have a look at the WEB page of our planetray group :

San Gersole' Planetary Group


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