Part IB Electronic Submission of Core Project Files

Please note that Part IB electronic submission is available until 4pm on Tuesday 23rd January 2024


You are required to submit copies of your project reports, and of your programs with any associated input files, to the Project Assessors for checking. Files should be submitted via a web browser using the University's Moodle site. You should login using your CRSid (i.e. your Raven/Hermes logon identifier) and your UIS (or Raven) password. Once logged in, the procedure is as described below (see 'How to submit').

If you have forgotten your UIS or Raven password, then you will need to ask the University Information Service for a Password Reset Token. You will then be able to reset your own password at Beware: obtaining a reset token can take time.


The deadline for electronic submission is 4pm on Tuesday 23 January 2024. Electronic submission can be completed at any time up to the deadline. See also the 'Difficulties' section at the end of this page.

WHAT to submit

Submission form: This editable PDF form should be downloaded, completed, and uploaded.

Project reports: These should be a single PDF file for each project, including program listings. Scanned hand-written pages are not acceptable.

Programs: You should submit all major programs used to generate your results, in plain text. Minor variations of programs already submitted need not be included.

HOW to submit


If you have technical problems submitting your files please send an email to