General arrangements

FoCM'02 will be held on the main (Minneapolis) campus of the University of Minnesota, in facilities that are adjacent to (and include) the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). Thus, online maps and directions to the IMA, such as
are also applicable to FoCM'02. The university dormitories and the Radisson University Hotel are within two blocks of the IMA and are on the large U of M Minneapolis campus map, accessible from the link above.

The registration/information desk for FoCM'02 will be located in room EE/CS 3-176 (ground floor) of the Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Building (200 Union Street). The hours of registration are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm every day of the meeting, except Sunday.

The various workshop talks will be held in rooms

EECS 3-180
EECS 3-230
EECS 3-210
EECS 3-111
EECS 3-115
EECS 3-125
Amund B-75
all entered through the EE/CS building. (The exact assignments of workshops to lecture rooms will be made shortly. All of these rooms are air conditioned. White boards and overhead projectors are standard. You need to request facilities for laptop and other computer projection, etc., through the workshop organizers.) Book displays and computer facilities will be located in the IMA main offices (400 Lind Hall, 207 Church Street). Lind Hall is immediately adjacent to the EE/CS Building. The plenary sessions will be held in room 150 of the Tate Laboratory of Physics, 116 Church Street, a block from the EE/CS Building.


Abstracts of the talks are being still updated, but an incomplete list is available as a Postscript or a PDF file.

A website containing slides, papers and links of talks presented at the conference is available at As things stand, the site is very incomplete but more information will be displayed as soon as it reaches the organisers.

Timetable of the talks

A timetable of the talks is displayed at It is being periodically updated in light of new information.

Plenary talks

(Click on speaker's name for an abstract)

All plenary talks will be held in room 150 of the Tate Laboratory of Physics, 116 Church Street, at 9:30 am and 11 am, respectively.

5th August Ron DeVore "What does `foundations of computational mathematics' mean?"
Dan Lozier "Development of a new handbook of properties of special functions"
6th August Stefan Heinrich "Quantum complexity of numerical problems"
Vladimir Vapnik "Problems of induction, empirical inference, and computer learning"
7th August Michael Todd "Detecting infeasibility in interior-point methods for optimization"
Grace Wahba "Statistical model building and classification as optimization problems in RKHS - Polychotomous penalized likelihood and multicategory support vector machines"
8th August Pascal Koiran "Generic curves, generic polynomials and Liouville functions"
Teresa Krick "Straight-line programs in polynomial equation solving"
9th August Herbert Edelsbrunner "Algorithms in combinatorial Morse theory"
Michael Freedman "Quantum computation using anyonic systems"
10th August Volker Mehrmann "Numerical solution of large scale structured polynomial eigenvalue problems"
Andrew Odlyzko "Zeros of the Riemann zeta function: Conjectures and computations"
12th August Albert Cohen "Anisotropy and sparse image representations"
Edriss Titi "Postprocessing Galerkin methods and approximating dynamics"
13th August Wolfgang Hackbusch "The technique of hierarchical matrices"
Tony DeRose "How computer graphics is changing Hollywood"
14th August Ian Anderson "Classification problems in geometry and algebra"
Steve Smale "What is learning theory? How does it relate to approximation theory, and to probability?"