Mathematical Tripos: Part II

Lecture notes for the course

Numerical Analysis

Herewith lecture notes for the Part II Numerical Analysis course, as pdf files.

In each case, the latest version is displayed. This might be this year's for current and previous lectures, or last year's version of forthcoming lectures and examples.

Lecture Handouts:

Lecture 1 Lecture 13
Lecture 2 Lecture 14
Lecture 3 Lecture 15
Lecture 4 Lecture 16
Lecture 5 Lecture 17
Lecture 6 Lecture 18
Lecture 7 Lecture 19
Lecture 8 Lecture 20
Lecture 9 Lecture 21
Lecture 10 Lecture 22
Lecture 11 Lecture 23
Lecture 12 Lecture 24

Example Sheets:

Examples 1 Examples 3
Examples 2 Examples 4

Model Answers:

Model Answers 1

These model answers to some past Tripos questions have been prepared by Dr Alexei Shadrin. All using them should join me in extending Alexei their profuse thanks.

Bear in mind, please, that these notes are for the exclusive use of Cambridge University students, supervisors and Directors of Studies. They are my copyright and should definitely not be used for instruction purposes elsewhere without my explicit permission. Do consult me for any nonstandard use and please let me know any comments, remarks and corrections.

A. Iserles
University of Cambridge