2030 vision

for the Cambridge sub-region



Topics for 2011
Economics and technology
Housing 2030
Education and skills
Retail and business
Agriculture and green spaces
Topics for 2012
Land use
Social cohesion
Culture, leisure and sport
Energy, water and waste


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We will address 10 topics during 2011 and 2012; for a list see the left-hand column.

For each topic we will organise two workshops:

First workshop

This is intended to be a workshop for two dozen invited experts, not just those whose expertise is concentrated on the topic under discussion, but including also those who can see the wider picture.

Three of four short introductory talks set the scene, and then the participants divide into two groups, each led by a facilitator, to debate answers to two or three questions of which they have been warned before the workshop.

Second workshop

This brings together a wider group of participants, including those from residents associations, councillors and local-government officers, and business people.

Following brief introductory talks, the participants divide into groups of about 10, each led by a facilitiataor, to debate answers ito questions posed by the organisers.

Between the two workshops, the topic is debated also by the Cambridge group of the RSA, the Royal Society for the encouragment of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.


Each workshop has a one-page output of its main conclusions. This is put onto the web site, togther with speakers' slides and other material.