... link to RLJ home ... see also Google Scholar, Cambridge Apollo repository. [121] L. Yao and R. L. Jack, arXiv:2412.04450. Interfacial and density fluctuations in a lattice model of motility-induced phase separation. [120] J. Li, R. L. Jack, B. Bertini, and J. P. Garrahan, Phys. Rev. B Efficient post-selection in light-cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits , arXiv:2408.13096. [119] H. Bhaumik, T. B. Liverpool, C. P. Royall, and R. L. Jack, arXiv:2408.07051. Yielding in colloidal gels: from local structure to meso-scale strand breakage and macroscopic failure. [118] J. Mason, R. L. Jack, and M. Bruna, arXiv:2408.03932. Dynamical patterns in active-passive particle mixtures with non-reciprocal interactions: Exact hydrodynamic analysis. [117] J. Schüttler, R. L. Jack and M. E. Cates, J. Stat. Mech. (2024), 083209. [DOI] Effects of phase separation on extinction times in population models, arXiv:2404.07563. [116] T. Agranov, R. L. Jack, M. E. Cates and E. Fodor, New J. Phys. Thermodynamically consistent flocking: From discontinuous to continuous transitions, arXiv:2401.09901. [115] L. Yao and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Heterogeneous nucleation in the random field Ising model, arXiv:2310.08480. [114] F. Turci, R. L. Jack, and N. B. Wilding, Soft Matter Partial and complete wetting of droplets of active Brownian particles, arXiv:2310.07531. [113] C. A. Brown, K. Macieszczak, and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. A Unravelling Metastable Markovian Open Quantum Systems, arXiv:2308.14107. [112] R. Goldstein, R. L. Jack, and A. Pesci, Phys. Rev. E How do Cicadas Emerge Together? Thermophysical Aspects of Their Collective Decision-Making, arXiv:2307.14646. [111] J. Mason, C. Erignoux, R. L. Jack, and M. Bruna, Proc. Roy. Soc. A Exact hydrodynamics and onset of phase separation for an active exclusion process, arXiv:2307.11673. [110] Y.-E. Keta, J. U. Klamser, R. L. Jack, and L. Berthier, Phys. Rev. Lett. Emerging mesoscale flows and chaotic advection in dense active matter, arXiv:2306.07172. [109] J.-F. Derivaux, R. L. Jack, and M. E. Cates, J. Stat. Mech. (2023), 083212. [DOI] Active-passive mixtures with bulk loading: a minimal active engine in one dimension, arXiv:2306.00430. [108] H. Yu and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Competition between lanes and transient jammed clusters in driven binary mixtures, arXiv:2305.05990. [107] K. Thijssen, T. B. Liverpool, C. P. Royall, and R. L. Jack, Soft Matter Necking and failure of a particulate gel strand: signatures of yielding on different length scales, arXiv:2301.12735. [106] Y.-E. Keta, R. Mandal, P. Sollich, R. L. Jack, and L. Berthier, Soft Matter Intermittent relaxation and avalanches in extremely persistent active matter, arXiv:2212.09836. [105] T. Agranov, M. E. Cates and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. Lett. Tricritical behavior in dynamical phase transitions, arXiv:2212.03324. [104] L. Yao and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2023), 023303. [DOI] Thermal vestiges of avalanches in the driven random field Ising model, arXiv:2210.16268. [103] D. Coslovich, R. L. Jack, and J. Paret, J. Chem. Phys. Dimensionality reduction of local structure in glassy binary mixtures, arXiv:2211.01904. [102] T. Agranov, M. E. Cates and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2022), 123201. [DOI] Entropy production and its large deviations in an active lattice gas, arXiv:2209.03000. [T2] P. B. Rohrbach and R. L. Jack, arXiv:2208.12108. Convergence of random-weight sequential Monte Carlo methods. [101] T. Banerjee, R. L. Jack, and M. E. Cates, Phys. Rev. E Role of initial conditions in 1d diffusive systems: compressibility, hyperuniformity and long-term memory, arXiv:2206.08739. [100] P. B. Rohrbach, H. Kobayashi, R. Scheichl, N. B. Wilding, and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Multilevel simulation of hard-sphere mixtures, arXiv:2206.00974. [DOI] [99] J. Dolezal and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. Research Mechanical analysis of a dynamical phase transition for particles in a channel, arXiv:2204.09243. [98] H. Yu, K. Thijssen, and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Perpendicular and parallel phase separation in two species driven diffusive lattice gases, arXiv:2204.08863. [97] J. Dong, F. Turci, R. L. Jack, M. A. Faers, and C. P. Royall, J. Chem. Phys. Direct imaging of contacts and forces in colloidal gels, arXiv:2203.03757. [96] J. Mason, R. L. Jack, and M. Bruna, J. Stat. Phys. Macroscopic behaviour in a two-species exclusion process via the method of matched asymptotics, arXiv:2203.01038. [95] Y.-E. Keta, R. L. Jack, and L. Berthier, Phys. Rev. Lett. Disordered collective motion in dense assemblies of persistent particles, arXiv:2201.04902. [94] J.-F. Derivaux, R. L. Jack, and M. E. Cates, J. Stat. Mech. (2022), 043203. [DOI] Rectification in a mixture of active and passive particles subject to a ratchet potential, arXiv:2112.12437. [93] T. Banerjee, R. L. Jack, and M. E. Cates, J. Stat. Mech. (2022), 013209. [DOI] Tracer dynamics in one dimensional gases of active or passive particles, arXiv:2109.10188. [92] J. Guioth and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2021), 103206. [DOI] Dynamical phase transition in the activity-biased fully-connected random field Ising model: connection with glass-forming systems, arXiv:2108.00063. [91] P. Pietzonka, J. Guioth, and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Cycle counts and affinities in stochastic models of non-equilibrium systems., arXiv:2107.14119. [90] H. Kobayashi, P. B. Rohrbach, R. Scheichl, N. B. Wilding, and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Critical point for de-mixing of binary hard spheres, arXiv:2107.01160. [89] E. Fodor, R. L. Jack, and M. E. Cates, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. Irreversibility and biased ensembles in active matter: Insights from stochastic thermodynamics, arXiv:2104.06634. [88] P. Pietzonka, E. Brorson, W. Bankes, M. E. Cates, R. L. Jack, R. Adhikari, PLOS One Bayesian inference across multiple models suggests a strong increase in lethality of COVID-19 in late 2020 in the UK. preprint @ medRxiv 2021.03.10.21253311. [87] F. Carollo, J. P. Garrahan, and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Phys. Large deviations at level 2.5 for Markovian open quantum systems: quantum jumps and quantum state diffusion, arXiv:2101.04138. [86] J. Dolezal and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Long-ranged correlations in large deviations of local clustering, arXiv:2012.05853. [85] Y. I. Li et al., Roy. Soc. Open Sci. Efficient Bayesian inference of fully stochastic epidemiological models with applications to COVID-19, arXiv:2010.11783. [84] Y.-E. Keta, E. Fodor, F. van Wijland, M. E. Cates, and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Collective motion in large deviations of active particles, arXiv:2009.07112. [T1] R. Adhikari et al., PyRoss technical report, arXiv:2005.09625. [83] R. L. Jack and R. J. Harris, Phys. Rev. E Giant leaps and long excursions: fluctuation mechanisms in systems with long-range memory, arXiv:2003.03587. [82] J. Paret, R. L. Jack, and D. Coslovich, J. Chem. Phys. Assessing the structural heterogeneity of supercooled liquids through community inference. arXiv:2002.02726. [81] J. Guioth and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2020), 063215. [DOI] Dynamical phase transitions for the activity biased Ising model in a magnetic field, arXiv:2002.00905. [80] R. L. Jack, T. Nemoto, and V. Lecomte, J. Stat. Mech. (2020), 053204. [DOI] Dynamical phase coexistence in the Fredrickson-Andersen model, arXiv:1912.02465. [79] R. L. Jack, Eur. Phys. J. B Ergodicity and large deviations in physical systems with stochastic dynamics, arXiv:1910.09883. (Invited colloquium article.) [78] H. Kobayashi, P. B. Rohrbach, R. Scheichl, N. B. Wilding, and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys., Correction of coarse-graining errors by a two-level method: application to the Asakura-Oosawa model, arxiv:1907.07912. [DOI] [77] J. Dolezal and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2019), 123208. [DOI] Large deviations and optimal control forces for hard particles in one dimension, arxiv:1906.07043. [76] R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Large deviations in models of growing clusters with symmetry-breaking transitions, arxiv:1904.02132. [75] R. Gutierrez, J. P. Garrahan, and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 094006. [DOI] Accelerated relaxation and suppressed dynamic heterogeneity in a kinetically constrained (East) model with swaps, (Special issue from Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics, Bristol, 2018), arxiv:1901.07797 [74] R. L. Jack, P. Wirnsberger, and A. Reinhardt, J. Chem. Phys. Microscopic analysis of thermo-orientation in systems of off-centre Lennard-Jones particles arxiv:1901.07240. [73] F. Carollo, R. L. Jack, and J. P. Garrahan, Phys. Rev. Lett. Unravelling the large deviation statistics of Markovian open quantum systems, arXiv:1811.04969. [72] S. Niblett, V. K. de Souza, R. L. Jack, and D. J. Wales, J. Chem. Phys. Effects of random pinning on the potential energy landscape of a supercooled liquid. [71] T. Nemoto, E. Fodor, M. E. Cates, R. L. Jack, and J. Tailleur, Phys. Rev. E Optimizing active work: dynamical phase transitions, collective motion and jamming, arXiv:1805.02887. [70] M. Kaiser, R. L. Jack, and J. Zimmer, Comm. Math. Sci. A Variational Structure for Interacting Particle Systems and their Hydrodynamic Scaling Limits, arXiv:1805.01411. [69] T. Brewer, S. R. Clark, R. Bradford and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2018) 053204. [DOI] Efficient characterisation of large deviations using population dynamics, arXiv:1711.05095. [68] R. L. Jack, M. Kaiser, and J. Zimmer, Entropy Symmetries and geometrical properties of dynamical fluctuations in molecular dynamics, arXiv:1709.04771. [67] M. Kaiser, R. L. Jack, and J. Zimmer, J. Stat. Phys. Canonical structure and orthogonality of forces and currents in irreversible Markov chains, arXiv:1708.01453. [66] L. O. Hedges, H. A. Kim, and R. L. Jack, J. Comp. Phys. Stochastic level-set method for shape optimisation, arXiv:1612.04681. [65] T. Nemoto, R. L. Jack, and V. Lecomte, Phys. Rev. Lett. Finite-size scaling of a first-order dynamical phase transition: adaptive population dynamics and an effective model, arXiv:1611.08239. [64] M. Kaiser, R. L. Jack, and J. Zimmer, J. Stat. Phys. Acceleration of convergence to equilibrium in Markov chains by breaking detailed balance, arXiv:1611.06509. [63] A. Razali, C. J. Fullerton, F. Turci, J. Hallett, R. L. Jack, and C. P. Royall, Soft Matter Effects of vertical confinement on gelation and sedimentation of colloids arXiv:1610.01123. [62] C. J. Fullerton and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Optimising self-assembly through time-dependent interactions, arXiv:1609.05008. [61] M. Burman, D. Carpenter, and R. L. Jack, J. Phys. A Emergence of particle clusters in a one-dimensional model: connection to condensation processes, arXiv:1608.04304. [60] C. Law, D. J. Ashton, N. B. Wilding and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Coarse-grained depletion potentials for anisotropic colloids: application to lock-and-key systems, arXiv:1607.00960. [59] R. L. Jack and L. Berthier, J. Chem. Phys. The melting of stable glasses is governed by nucleation-and-growth dynamics, arXiv:1603.05017. ... see also our followup note... [59a] R. L. Jack and L. Berthier, J. Chem. Phys. Note: Physical mechanisms for the bulk melting of stable glasses [58] D. Coslovich and R. L. Jack, J. Stat. Mech. (2016) 074012. [DOI] Structure of inactive states of a binary Lennard-Jones mixture, arXiv:1602.07589. [57] R. L. Jack and R. M. L. Evans, J. Stat. Mech. (2016) 093305. [DOI] Absence of dissipation in trajectory ensembles biased by currents, arXiv:1602.03815. [56] T. Nemoto, F. Bouchet, R. L. Jack and V. Lecomte, Phys. Rev. E Population dynamics method with a multi-canonical feedback control, arXiv:1601.06648. [55] T. Speck and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Ideal bulk pressure of active Brownian particles, arXiv:1512.00830. [54] P. K. Jana, C. Wang, R. L. Jack, L. Chi and A. Heuer, Phys. Rev. E Anomalous approach to thermodynamic equilibrium: structure formation of molecules after vapor deposition [53] R. L. Jack and J. P. Garrahan, Phys. Rev. Lett. Phase transition for quenched coupled replicas in a plaquette spin model of glasses, arXiv:1508.06470. [52] I. R. Thompson and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Dynamical phase transitions in one-dimensional hard-particle systems, arXiv:1506.01492. [51] R. M. Turner, R. L. Jack and J. P. Garrahan, Phys. Rev. E Overlap and activity glass transitions in plaquette spin models with hierarchical dynamics, arXiv:1504.05076 [50] L. Berthier and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. Lett. Evidence for a disordered critical point in a glass-forming liquid, arXiv:1503.08576. [49] D. J. Ashton, R. L. Jack, and N. B. Wilding, Phys. Rev. Lett. Porous liquid phases for indented colloids with depletion interactions, arXiv:1501.07472. [48] R. L. Jack and P. Sollich, Eur. Phys. J.: Special Topics Effective interactions and large deviations in stochastic processes, arXiv:1501.01154. (Special issue from CECAM workshop: Scale Bridging Techniques in Molecular Simulation, Berlin 2014.) [47] D. J. Ashton, S. J. Ivell, R. P. A. Dullens, R. L. Jack, N. B. Wilding, D. G. A. L. Aarts, Soft Matter Self-assembly and crystallisation of indented colloids at a planar wall, arXiv:1412.1596. [DOI] [46] R. L. Jack, I. R. Thompson and P. Sollich, Phys. Rev. Lett. Hyperuniformity and phase separation in biased ensembles of trajectories for diffusive systems, arXiv:1409.3986. [45] J. K. Weber, R. L. Jack, C. R. Schwantes and V. S. Pande, Biophys. J. Dynamical Phase Transitions Reveal Amyloid-like States on Protein Folding Landscapes. (Featured in new and notable section of Biophys J) [44] S. Whitelam and R. L. Jack, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem Statistical Mechanics of Dynamic Pathways to Self-assembly, arXiv:1407.2505. (Invited review article) [43] R. L. Jack, and J. Zimmer, J. Phys. A Geometrical interpretation of fluctuating hydrodynamics in diffusive systems, arXiv:1407.1679. [42] R. L. Jack, A. J. Dunleavy and C. P. Royall, Phys. Rev. Lett. Information-theoretic measurements of coupling between structure and dynamics in glass-formers, arXiv:1402.6867. [41] C. J. Fullerton and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. Lett. Investigating amorphous order in stable glasses by random pinning, arXiv:1312.0766. [40] I. Williams, E. C. Oguz, R. L. Jack, P. Bartlett, H. Loewen and C. P. Royall, J. Chem. Phys. The effect of boundary adaptivity on hexagonal ordering and bistability in circularly confined quasi hard discs, arXiv:1311.4781. [DOI] [39] R. L. Jack and P. Sollich, J. Phys. A Large deviations of the dynamical activity in the East model: analysing structure in biased trajectories, arXiv:1308.6124. [38] R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev E Counting metastable states in a kinetically constrained model using a patch repetition analysis, arXiv:1309.6247. [37] R. L. Jack and C. J. Fullerton, Phys. Rev E Dynamical correlations in a glass-former with randomly pinned particles, arXiv:1306.5640. [36] D. J. Ashton, R. L. Jack, N. B. Wilding, Soft Matter Self-assembly of colloidal polymers via depletion-mediated lock and key binding, arXiv:1304.3675. [35] J. K. Weber, R. L. Jack and V. S. Pande, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Emergence of glass-like behavior in Markov state models of protein folding dynamics. [34] C. J. Fullerton and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Dynamical phase transitions in supercooled liquids: interpreting measurements of dynamical activity, arXiv:1302.6880. [33] D. Klotsa and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Controlling crystal self-assembly using a real-time feedback scheme, arXiv:1210.2636. [32] Y. S. Elmatad and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Space-time phase transitions in the East model with a softened kinetic constraint, arXiv:1210.1614. (Part of a JCP special topical issue.) [31] R. L. Jack and L. Berthier, Phys. Rev. E Random pinning in glassy spin models with plaquette interactions, arXiv:1112.1536. [30] J. Grant and R. L. Jack, Phys. Rev. E Quantifying reversibility in a phase-separating lattice gas: an analogy with self-assembly, arXiv:1110.6068. [29] R. L. Jack, L. O. Hedges, J. P. Garrahan and D. Chandler, Phys. Rev. Lett. Preparation and relaxation of very stable glassy states of a simulated liquid, arXiv:1109.2715. [28] J. Grant, R. L. Jack and S. Whitelam, J. Chem. Phys. Analyzing mechanisms and microscopic reversibility of self-assembly, arXiv:1108.4542. [27] M. F. Hagan, O. M. Elrad and R. L. Jack, J. Chem. Phys. Mechanisms of kinetic trapping in self-assembly and phase transformation, arXiv:1105.2830. [26] D. Klotsa and R. L. Jack, Soft Matter Predicting the self-assembly of a model colloidal crystal, arXiv:1103.2037. [25] L. Berthier, G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud and R. L. Jack, arXiv:1009.4765. Overview of different characterisations of dynamic heterogeneity, (Book chapter in Dynamical heterogeneities in glasses, colloids, and granular media (Oxford Univ. Press)) [24] Y. S. Elmatad, R. L. Jack, J. P. Garrahan and D. Chandler, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Finite-temperature critical point of a glass transition, arXiv:1003.3161. [23] R. L. Jack and P. Sollich, Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp. Large deviations and ensembles of trajectories in stochastic models, arXiv:0911.0211. (Proceedings of workshop, "Frontiers in non-equilibrium physics", Kyoto 2009.) [22] P. Sollich and R. L. Jack, Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp. Duality symmetries in driven one-dimensional hopping models, arXiv:0911.0208. (Proceedings of workshop, "Frontiers in non-equilibrium physics", Kyoto 2009.) [21] R. L. Jack and J. P. Garrahan, Phys. Rev. E Metastable states and space-time phase transitions in a spin-glass model, arXiv:0910.1111. [20] R. L. Jack and P. Sollich, J. Stat. Mech. (2009), P11011. Duality symmetries and effective dynamics in disordered hopping models, arXiv:0908.3492. [19] K. van Duijvendijk, R. L. Jack and F. van Wijland, Phys. Rev. E Second-order dynamic transition in a p=2 spin-glass model, arXiv:0905.4878. [18] L. O. Hedges, R. L. Jack, J. P. Garrahan and D. Chandler, Science Dynamic order-disorder in atomistic models of structural glass formers. [PDF] [17] J. P. Garrahan, R. L. Jack, V. Lecomte, E. Pitard, K. van Duijvendijk and F. van Wijland, J. Phys A First-order dynamical phase transition in models of glasses: an approach based on ensembles of histories, arXiv:0810.5298. [16] R. L. Jack, P. Sollich and P. Mayer, Phys. Rev. E Subdiffusive motion in kinetically constrained models, arXiv:0809.2897. [15] R. L. Jack, D. Kelsey, J. P. Garrahan and D. Chandler, Phys. Rev. E Negative differential mobility of weakly driven particles in models of glass formers, arXiv:0803.2002. [14] R. L. Jack and P. Sollich, J. Phys. A Duality between random trap and barrier models, arXiv:0710.1665. (David Sherrington Festschrift.) [13] L. Berthier and R. L. Jack, Phys Rev. E Structure and dynamics in glass-formers: predictability at large lengthscales, arXiv:0706.1044. [12] R. L. Jack, M. F. Hagan and D. Chandler, Phys. Rev. E Fluctuation-dissipation ratios in the dynamics of self-assembly, arXiv:0705.3660. [11] J. P. Garrahan, R. L. Jack, V. Lecomte, E. Pitard, K. van Duijvendijk and F. van Wijland, Phys. Rev. Lett. Dynamic first-order phase transition in kinetically constrained models of glasses, cond-mat/0701757. [10] R. L. Jack, L. Berthier and J. P. Garrahan, J. Stat. Mech. (2006) P12005. Fluctuation-dissipation relations in plaquette spin systems with multi-stage relaxation, cond-mat/0609257. [9] D. Chandler, J. P. Garrahan, R. L. Jack, L. Maibaum and A. C. Pan, Phys. Rev. E Lengthscale dependence of dynamic four-point susceptibilities in glass formers, cond-mat/0605084. [8] R. L. Jack, J. P. Garrahan and D. Chandler, J. Chem. Phys. Space-time thermodynamics and subsystem observables in a kinetically constrained model of glassy systems, cond-mat/0604068. [7] R. L. Jack, P. Mayer and P. Sollich, J. Stat. Mech. (2006), P03006. Mappings between reaction-diffusion and kinetically constrained systems: A+A <-> A and the FA model have upper critical dimension dc = 2, cond-mat/0601529. [6] R. L. Jack and J. P. Garrahan, J. Chem. Phys. Caging and mosaic lengthscales in plaquette spin models of glasses, cond-mat/0507370. [5] R. L. Jack, L. Berthier and J. P. Garrahan, Phys. Rev. E Static and dynamic lengthscales in a simple glassy plaquette model , cond-mat/0502120. [4] R. L. Jack, J. P. Garrahan and D. Sherrington, Phys. Rev. E Glassy behaviour in an exactly solved spin system with a ferromagnetic transition , cond-mat/0410028. [3] R. L. Jack, D. K. K. Lee and N. R. Cooper, Phys. Rev. B Quantum and Classical Dissipative Effects on Tunnelling in Quantum Hall Bilayers cond-mat/0409547. [2] R. L. Jack, D. K. K. Lee and N. R. Cooper, Phys. Rev. Lett. Dissipation and Tunnelling in Quantum Hall Bilayers, cond-mat/0403392. [1] R. L. Jack and D. K. K. Lee, Phys. Rev. B Bosons in fluctuating gauge fields: Bose metal and phase separation cond-mat/0203274. [0] R. L. Jack, Ph.D. thesis, University of London. (pdf) Back to Robert Jack's homepage Last update: |