All contour levels are in increments of 0.02U, running for -0.19U to 0.19U, and the colours are designed to be standardised
between videos. Dark red represents slow streaks and white the fast streaks. The arrows show the in plane velocity of the

M1-M5:    Re=2400, α=α*
                 all are lower branch solutions, except for the links named `upper'

M6:           Re=3000, α=α*
                 lower branch solution

N1-N5:     Re=2400, α=α*
                 all are lower branch solutions, except for the links named `upper'

S1:           Re=2900, α=0.75

S2:           Re=2400, α=α* 
                lower branch solution     

S3:           Re=2400, α=2.5 
                the travelling wave labelled 3a_2.5 in the nomenclature of Kerswell & Tutty (2007)

S4:           Re=2400, α=3.125 
                the travelling wave labelled 4b_3.125 in the nomenclature of Kerswell & Tutty (2007)

S5:           Re=3000, α=α* 
                lower branch solution

S6:           Re=3000, α=α* 
                lower branch solution

U1:             This travelling wave was never properly classified. It was an attempt to find a non-rotationally symmetric
                in the original paper by Wedin & Kerswell. Here it is shown at its saddle node (Re=3046, α=2.17).

Z2:           Re=3861, α=0.625
                lower branch solution

D2:           Re=2875, α=0.625
                lower branch solution

Helical:     Re=1344, α=0.75, β=0.019, ω=-0.0011
                helical extension of M1. Here we show the axial evolution of the wave as if frozen in time.