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Professor of Mathematical Biology, DAMTP, University of Cambridge

David N. Moore Fellow in Mathematics, Queens' College

Current roles:

Honours and awards:


  • 2017-present  Professor of Mathematical Biology 
  • 2013-2017 Reader in Mathematical Biology
  • 2010-2012  Visiting Fellow, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
  • 2006-2013 University Lecturer, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
  • 2006-2012 Royal Society University Research Fellowship, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
  • 2004-present Official Fellow, Queens' College
  • 2004-2006 Royal Society University Research Fellowship, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
  • 2002-2004 Research Fellowship, Queens' College


Julia Gog's research is in the mathematics of infectious diseases. Recent projects include:

  • Models of influenza strain dynamics
  • Spatial spread of influenza
  • Within-host dynamics of influenza
  • In vitro dynamics of Salmonella
  • Bioinformatic methods to detect RNA signals in viruses

University news items on our work

For list of publications, please try Julia's profile on Google Scholar.

Photo credit: Marisa Sutherland-Brown


The importance of vaccinated individuals to population-level evolution of pathogens
MA Gutierrez, J Gog
– Journal of theoretical biology
Coughs, colds and “freshers’ flu” survey in the University of Cambridge, 2007–2008
KTD Eames, ML Tang, EM Hill, MJ Tildesley, JM Read, MJ Keeling, JR Gog
– Epidemics
The importance of vaccinated individuals to population-level evolution of pathogens
MA Gutierrez, JR Gog
Short-term Projections based on Early Omicron Variant Dynamics in England
M Keeling, E Brooks-Pollock, R Challen, L Danon, L Dyson, J Gog, L Guzmán Rincón, E Hill, L Pellis, J Read, M Tildesley
Vaccine breakthrough and the invasion dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants
C Saad-Roy, S Levin, J Gog, J Farrar, C Wagner, J Metcalf, B Grenfell
Commentary on the use of the reproduction number R during the COVID-19 pandemic.
C Vegvari, S Abbott, F Ball, E Brooks-Pollock, R Challen, BS Collyer, C Dangerfield, JR Gog, KM Gostic, JM Heffernan, TD Hollingsworth, V Isham, E Kenah, D Mollison, J Panovska-Griffiths, L Pellis, MG Roberts, G Scalia Tomba, RN Thompson, P Trapman
– Statistical methods in medical research
SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK university students: Lessons from September-December 2020 and modelling insights for future student return
J Enright, EM Hill, HB Stage, KJ Bolton, EJ Nixon, EL Fairbanks, ML Tang, E Brooks-Pollock, L Dyson, CJ Budd, RB Hoyle, L Schewe, JR Gog, MJ Tildesley
– Royal Society Open Science
Vaccine escape in a heterogeneous population: insights for SARS-CoV-2 from a simple model.
JR Gog, EM Hill, L Danon, RN Thompson
– Royal Society Open Science
Early epidemiological signatures of novel SARS-CoV-2 variants: establishment of B.1.617.2 in England
R Challen, L Dyson, C Overton, L Guzman-Rincon, E Hill, H Stage, E Brooks-Pollock, L Pellis, F Scarabel, D Pascall, P Blomquist, M Tildesley, D Williamson, S Siegert, X Xiong, B Youngman, Juniper, J Read, J Gog, J Gog, M Keeling, L Danon
Epidemic interventions: insights from classic results
JR Gog, TD Hollingsworth
– Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
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Research Group

Disease Dynamics




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