I'm working under the supervision of Prof Julia Gog, in the Disease Dynamics group.
I'm currently the graduate representative at the Equality Diversity and Inclusion committee.
My office is G0.04, and my website is http://www.mariaalegriagutierrez.wordpress.com (it has more detailed and updated info).
I started my PhD in October 2021, joining King's College, and it is funded by a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
Before that, I did the Maths Tripos and Part III, specialising in Theoretical Physics, at Christ's College..
I was a research intern in Prof Goldstein's group (Biophysics) in 2019 and in Dr Pajer's group (theoretical cosmology) in the summer 2020.
The importance of vaccinated individuals to population-level evolution of pathogens
– Journal of theoretical biology
(doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2023.111493)
The importance of vaccinated individuals to population-level evolution of pathogens
(doi: 10.1101/2022.11.29.22282822)
Stabilization of microbial communities by responsive phenotypic switching
– Physical Review Research
Stabilization of Microbial Communities by Responsive Phenotypic Switching
(doi: 10.1101/2021.12.12.472272)