Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves

25 - 30 Sep 2023  |  Corfu, Greece

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Gravitational Wave Astrophysics is at the dawn of what will become one of the great scientific endeavours of the 21st century. The Nobel Prize winning first detection of gravitational waves by LIGO in 2015 has been a revolutionary step forward in physics and astrophysics by opening a totally new window for the exploration of the Universe.

The Kavli-Villum Summer School will introduce junior scientists (graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with a background in general relativity) to a wide range of topics at the foundation of the new exciting research field of gravitational wave astronomy.

Participants will have the opportunity to present their results in the form of a poster. They should let the organisers know in advance if they would like to do so. We recommend that posters be A0 size, but this is at the discretion of participants and departures from that format can be accommodated.

Registration is now full

We are now booked out and cannot receive any more registrations.


Travel visa: For participants who need an invitation letter letter for travel visa applications, please contact us at gw-school [at] damtp.cam.ac.uk and we will arrange one for you.

Schedule: The exact schedule will appear here soon. We advise everyone to arrive on Sunday 24/09 at the latest and leave on Sunday 01/10 (or Saturday  evening the earliest). Lectures will start early on Monday morning and will end late Saturday afternoon.

Arrival: Upon arrival at Corfu the easiest way to get to your place of accommodation is most likely by taxi. The venue is very close to the airport and so is the city centre, so you will be able to get to your destination for a reasonable fare. In any case, it always makes sense to check with your hotel, as other options may be available.



Scientific Organising Committee

Local Organising Committee


The Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves will be hosted by the Corfu Summer Institute 2023, at the historical site and former royal gardens of Palaiopolis in Corfu Town. Details on the conference venue and how to get there can be found on the CorfuSI website here.

Corfu is a very popular destination during the summer period, so even in late September it may be difficult and expensive to make last-minute arrangements for travel and accommodation. Participants are encouraged to book their flights and rooms as early as possible. Corfu is very well connected with many European airports, so if booked early, flight tickets can be very cheap.


The Kavli-Villum Summer School in Gravitational Waves is sponsored jointly by the Kavli Institute for Cosmology in Cambridge, the Villum Foundation and the European Research Council.