Publications: Submitted for publication

  1. Arieh Iserles & Georg Maierhofer, "An accelerated Levin-Clenshaw-Curtis method for the evaluation of highly oscillatory integrals" (2024)
  2. Arieh Iserles & Karolina Kropielnicka, "Splitting methods for unbounded operators" (2024).
  3. Arieh Iserles, "Mathematical foundations of spectral methods for time-dependent PDEs" (2024).
  4. Arieh Iserles & Karolina Kropielnicka, "An elementary approach to splittings of unbounded operators" (2024).
  5. Jing Gao & Arieh Iserles, "A framework for stable spectral methods in d-dimensional unit balls" (2023).
  6. Arieh Iserles, Karolina Kropielnicka, Katharina Schratz & Marcus Webb, "Solving the linear semiclassical Schrödinger equation on the real line", DAMTP Tech. Rep. NA2021/01.