FoCM'99 Organisers

The overall oversight of FoCM99 was the responsibility of the-then FoCM Executive Committee:

Arieh Iserles (University of Cambridge) Chair
Mike Shub (IBM Yorktown Heights) Ex-Chair
Felipe Cucker (Universitat Pompeau Fabra and
City University of Hong Kong)
Jim Renegar (Cornell University) Treasurer
Nick Higham (University of Manchester) Conferences
Ron DeVore (University of South Carolina) Publications
Teresa Krick (Universidad Buenos Aires) Publicity
Wolfgang Dahmen (RWTH Aachen) Member-at-Large
Gene Golub (Stanford) Member-at-Large
David Mumford (Brown University) Member-at-Large
Marie-Francoise Roy (Universite Rennes) Member-at-Large
Steve Smale (City University of Hong Kong) Member-at-Large
Gil Strang (MIT) Member-at-Large
Henryk Wozniakowski (Columbia University and
University of Warsaw)

The organisation on the ground was managed by the Local Organising Committee:

John Ball (University of Oxford)
Richard Brent (University of Oxford)
Chris Budd (University of Bath)
Mike Giles (University of Oxford)
Nick Gould (Rutherford-Appleton Labs)
Nick Higham (University of Manchester)
Bill McColl (University of Oxford)
Endre Suli (Chair) (University of Oxford)
Nick Trefethen (University of Oxford)