David Tong: Lectures on Statistical Physics
This is an introductory course on Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics given to final year undergraduates. They were last updated in May 2012. Full lecture notes come in around 190 pages. Individual chapters and problem sets can also be found below.
A second course on statistical mechanics, covering non-equilibrium phenomena,
be found here. A third course on statistical mechanics, covering critical phenomena,
be found here.
- 1. Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics:
Introduction; Microcanonical Ensemble; Entropy and the Second Law; Temperature; Two-State Spin System; First Law of Thermodynamics; Canonical Ensemble; Energy Fluctuations; Chemical Potential; Grand Canonical Ensemble. - 2. Classical Gases:
Classical Partition Functions; Ideal Gas; Equipartition; Maxwell Distribution; Diatomic Gas; Interactions; van der Waals Equation of State; Cluster Expansion; Debye-Huckel model. - 3. Quantum Gases:
Density of States; Blackbody Radiation; Debye Model of Vibrations in a Solid; Diatomic Gas Revisted, Bose-Einstein Distribution and Bose-Einstein Condensation; Fermi-Dirac Distribution and Fermi Gas; White Dwarfs; Pauli Paramagnetism; Landau Diamagnetism. - 4. Classical Thermodynamics:
Temperature and the Zeroth Law; The First Law; The Second Law; Carnot Cycles; Entropy; Adiabatic Surfaces; Maxwell Relations; The Third Law. - 5. Phase Transitions:
van der Waals equation Revisited; Phase Equilibrium; Maxwell Construction; Clausius-Clapyron Equation; Critical Point; Ising Model; Mean Field Theory; Critical Exponents; Ising Chain; Low Temperature Expansion and Peierls Droplets; High Temperature Expansion; Kramers-Wannier Duality; Landau Theory; Lee-Yang Zeros; Landau-Ginzburg Theory; Fluctuations and Correlations.
Problem Sheets
- Problem Sheet 1: Postscript  PDF Ensembles
- Problem Sheet 2: Postscript  PDF Classical and Quantum Gases
- Problem Sheet 3: Postscript  PDF Bosons and Fermions
- Problem Sheet 4: Postscript  PDF Thermodynamics and Phase Transitions
Statistical Physics on the Web
- Statistical Mechanics of Particles: Mehran Kardar's lectures from MIT.
- Statistical Mechanics of Fields: The second installment of Mehran Kardar's lectures.
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Lecture Notes by Daniel Arovas (links directly to pdf file)
- Statistical Physics A three semester course from Caltech by Michael Cross
Other Resources
- E.T. Jaynes on the Gibb's Paradox.