Workshop on Computational Number Theory

Foundations of Computational Mathematics, IMA, Minneapolis, 8-10 August 2002

This is one of the 18 workshops during the conference FoCM'02 at the IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 5-14 August 2002. The workshop will run for 3 successive afternoons during 8-10 August (Thursday - Saturday).
Workshop organizers
There will be fifteen 50-minute lectures during the three afternoons. The following colleagues have kindly agreed to participate:

Semi-plenary talks
The talks by Greg Martin, Harold Stark and Sebastian Wedeniwski have been designated as semi-plenary, meaning that participants from other workshops are encouraged to attend them.


---THURSDAY--- ----FRIDAY---- ---SATURDAY---
1:50-2:40 Rubinstein Strombergsson Terras
2:40-3:30 Martin Farmer Miller
4:00-4:50 Stein Wedeniwski Watkins
4:50-5:40 Fujii Then Stark
5:40-6:10/30 Athale Hejhal .

Here are the abstracts of the talks in the workshop.

New journal by FoCM: Foundations of Computational Mathematics

to the FoCM'02 page

Last modified: 1st July 2002