2030 vision

for the Cambridge sub-region



Topics for 2011
Economics and technology
Housing 2030
Education and skills
Retail and business
Agriculture and green spaces
Topics for 2012
Land use
Social cohesion
Culture, leisure and sport
Energy, water and waste


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Retail and business

The focus of this topic was maintaining and enhancing the prosperity of the sub-region, and the quality of life so that business can attract and retain highly-qualified staff. A summary of the workshops is here.

A first workshop, in September 2011, brought together a group of experts to consider issues that will be important for retail and business in the sub-region in 2030. A summary of its conclusions is here.

The second workshop, in the evening of 21 November 2011, included councillors and officers of local authorities, members of residents associations, and people from business. Andrew Poulton's summary is here.



Some of the issues discussed at the meetings are listed here


Retail and Business was also discussed also at a meeting at ideaSpace on 7 November 2011 of the Cambridge group of the Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). The slides used by Jeremy Newsum to lead the discussion are here.