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Class JSC3D.LoaderSelector

Defined in: jsc3d.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get the proper loader for a target file format using the file extension name.
JSC3D.LoaderSelector.registerLoader(fileExtName, loaderCtor)
Register a scene loader for a specific file format, using the file extesion name for lookup.
Class Detail
Method Detail
<static> {Object} JSC3D.LoaderSelector.getLoader(fileExtName)
Get the proper loader for a target file format using the file extension name.
{String} fileExtName
file extension name for the specific format.
{Object} loader object for the specific format; null if not found.

<static> JSC3D.LoaderSelector.registerLoader(fileExtName, loaderCtor)
Register a scene loader for a specific file format, using the file extesion name for lookup.
{String} fileExtName
extension name for the specific file format.
{Function} loaderCtor
constructor of the loader class.

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