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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


  • 2017-present Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics
    • Deputy Director, Institute of Astromony
    • Deputy Director, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge
  • 2011-2017 Reader in Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • 2006 -2011 University Lecturer, Institute of Astronomy and DAMTP
  • 2002 -2007 Royal Society University Research Fellow
  • 2000 -2002 PPARC Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  • 1998 -present Fellow, Queens' College


I have a range of research interests in physical and theoretical cosmology, mostly centred on the issue of testing the cosmological model and the origin of cosmic structure with cosmological observations. A particular focus is the the origin, interpretation, and measurement of temperature anisotropies and polarization in the CMB. I am a Core Team member of the Planck High-Frequency Instrument and a member of the Simons Observatory with particular interests in lensing of the CMB, constraining the key cosmological parameters and searching for B-mode polarization induced by gravitational waves from the early universe.

Selected Publications

Publications list on ADS



Simons Observatory: Constraining inflationary gravitational waves with multitracer B-mode delensing
T Namikawa, AB Lizancos, N Robertson, BD Sherwin, A Challinor, D Alonso, S Azzoni, C Baccigalupi, E Calabrese, J Carron, Y Chinone, J Chluba, G Coppi, J Errard, G Fabbian, S Ferraro, A Kalaja, A Lewis, MS Madhavacheril, PD Meerburg, J Meyers, F Nati, G Orlando, D Poletti, G Puglisi, M Remazeilles, N Sehgal, O Tajima, G Teply, A Van Engelen, EJ Wollack, Z Xu, B Yu, N Zhu, A Zonca
– Physical Review D
Planck 2018 results: VI. Cosmological parameters (vol 641, A6, 2020)
N Aghanim, Y Akrami, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, R Battye, K Benabed, JP Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, JJ Bock, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, F Boulanger, M Bucher, C Burigana, RC Butler, E Calabrese, JF Cardoso, J Carron, A Challinor, HC Chiang, J Chluba, LPL Colombo, C Combet, D Contreras, BP Crill, F Cuttaia, P De Bernardis, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, JM Delouis, E DI Valentino, JM DIego, O Doré, M Douspis, A Ducout, X Dupac, S Dusini, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, Y Fantaye, M Farhang, J Fergusson, R Fernandez-Cobos, F Finelli, F Forastieri, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, A Frolov, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, RT Génova-Santos, M Gerbino, T Ghosh, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, J Hamann, W Handley, FK Hansen, D Herranz, SR Hildebrandt, E Hivon, Z Huang, AH Jaffe, WC Jones, A Karakci, E Keihänen, R Keskitalo, K Kiiveri, J Kim, TS Kisner, L Knox, N Krachmalnicoff, M Kunz, H Kurki-Suonio, G Lagache, JM Lamarre, A Lasenby, M Lattanzi, CR Lawrence, M Le Jeune, P Lemos, J Lesgourgues, F Levrier, A Lewis, M Liguori
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Limitations of CMB B-mode template delensing
AB Lizancos, A Challinor, J Carron
– Physical Review D
Revised estimates of CMB $B$-mode polarization induced by patchy reionization
A Roy, G Kulkarni, P Daniel Meerburg, A Challinor, C Baccigalupi, A Lapi, MG Haehnelt
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Fast computation of angular power spectra and covariances of high-resolution cosmic microwave background maps using the Toeplitz approximation
T Louis, S Naess, X Garrido, A Challinor
– Physical Review D
Understanding parameter differences between analyses employing nested data subsets
S Gratton, A Challinor
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Planck 2018 results: IX. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity
Y Akrami, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, K Benabed, JP Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, M Bucher, C Burigana, RC Butler, E Calabrese, JF Cardoso, B Casaponsa, A Challinor, HC Chiang, LPL Colombo, C Combet, BP Crill, F Cuttaia, P De Bernardis, A De Rosa, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, JM Delouis, E Di Valentino, JM Diego, O Doré, M Douspis, A Ducout, X Dupac, S Dusini, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, Y Fantaye, J Fergusson, R Fernandez-Cobos, F Finelli, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, A Frolov, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, RT Génova-Santos, M Gerbino, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, J Hamann, W Handley, FK Hansen, D Herranz, E Hivon, Z Huang, AH Jaffe, WC Jones, G Jung, E Keihänen, R Keskitalo, K Kiiveri, J Kim, N Krachmalnicoff, M Kunz, H Kurki-Suonio, JM Lamarre, A Lasenby, M Lattanzi, CR Lawrence, M Le Jeune, F Levrier, A Lewis, M Liguori, PB Lilje, V Lindholm, M López-Caniego, YZ Ma, JF Maciás-Pérez, G Maggio, D Maino, N Mandolesi, A Marcos-Caballero, M Maris, PG Martin, E Martínez-González, S Matarrese
– Astronomy and Astrophysics
Planck 2018 results: VIII. Gravitational lensing
N Aghanim, Y Akrami, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, K Benabed, JP Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, JJ Bock, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, F Boulanger, M Bucher, C Burigana, E Calabrese, JF Cardoso, J Carron, A Challinor, HC Chiang, LPL Colombo, C Combet, BP Crill, F Cuttaia, P De Bernardis, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, E Di Valentino, JM Diego, O Doré, M Douspis, A Ducout, X Dupac, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, Y Fantaye, R Fernandez-Cobos, F Finelli, F Forastieri, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, A Frolov, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, RT Génova-Santos, M Gerbino, T Ghosh, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, J Hamann, W Handley, FK Hansen, D Herranz, E Hivon, Z Huang, AH Jaffe, WC Jones, A Karakci, E Keihänen, R Keskitalo, K Kiiveri, J Kim, L Knox, N Krachmalnicoff, M Kunz, H Kurki-Suonio, G Lagache, JM Lamarre, A Lasenby, M Lattanzi, CR Lawrence, M Le Jeune, F Levrier, A Lewis, M Liguori, PB Lilje, V Lindholm, M López-Caniego, PM Lubin, YZ Ma, JF Maciás-Pérez, G Maggio, D Maino, N Mandolesi, A Mangilli, A Marcos-Caballero, M Maris
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters
P Collaboration, N Aghanim, Y Akrami, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, R Battye, K Benabed, J-P Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, JJ Bock, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, F Boulanger, M Bucher, C Burigana, RC Butler, E Calabrese, J-F Cardoso, J Carron, A Challinor, HC Chiang, J Chluba, LPL Colombo, C Combet, D Contreras, BP Crill, F Cuttaia, PD Bernardis, GD Zotti, J Delabrouille, J-M Delouis, ED Valentino, JM Diego, O Doré, M Douspis, A Ducout, X Dupac, S Dusini, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, Y Fantaye, M Farhang, J Fergusson, R Fernandez-Cobos, F Finelli, F Forastieri, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, A Frolov, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, RT Génova-Santos, M Gerbino, T Ghosh, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, J Hamann, W Handley, FK Hansen, D Herranz, SR Hildebrandt, E Hivon, Z Huang, AH Jaffe, WC Jones, A Karakci, E Keihänen, R Keskitalo, K Kiiveri, J Kim, TS Kisner, L Knox, N Krachmalnicoff, M Kunz, H Kurki-Suonio, G Lagache, J-M Lamarre, A Lasenby, M Lattanzi, CR Lawrence, ML Jeune, P Lemos, J Lesgourgues, F Levrier, A Lewis, M Liguori, PB Lilje, M Lilley, V Lindholm, M López-Caniego, PM Lubin, Y-Z Ma, JF Macías-Pérez, G Maggio, D Maino, N Mandolesi, A Mangilli, A Marcos-Caballero, M Maris, PG Martin, M Martinelli, E Martínez-González, S Matarrese, N Mauri, JD McEwen, PR Meinhold, A Melchiorri, A Mennella, M Migliaccio, M Millea, S Mitra, M-A Miville-Deschênes, D Molinari, L Montier, G Morgante, A Moss, P Natoli, HU Nørgaard-Nielsen, L Pagano, D Paoletti, B Partridge, G Patanchon, HV Peiris, F Perrotta, V Pettorino, F Piacentini, L Polastri, G Polenta, J-L Puget, JP Rachen, M Reinecke, M Remazeilles, A Renzi, G Rocha, C Rosset, G Roudier, JA Rubiño-Martín, B Ruiz-Granados, L Salvati, M Sandri, M Savelainen, D Scott, EPS Shellard, C Sirignano, G Sirri, LD Spencer, R Sunyaev, A-S Suur-Uski, JA Tauber, D Tavagnacco, M Tenti, L Toffolatti, M Tomasi, T Trombetti, L Valenziano, J Valiviita, BV Tent, L Vibert, P Vielva, F Villa, N Vittorio, BD Wandelt, IK Wehus, M White, SDM White, A Zacchei, A Zonca
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Planck 2018 results
Y Akrami, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, K Benabed, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, F Boulanger, M Bucher, C Burigana, E Calabrese, JF Cardoso, J Carron, B Casaponsa, A Challinor, LPL Colombo, C Combet, BP Crill, F Cuttaia, P De Bernardis, A De Rosa, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, JM Delouis, E Di Valentino, C Dickinson, JM Diego, S Donzelli, O Doré, A Ducout, X Dupac, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, E Falgarone, R Fernandez-Cobos, F Finelli, F Forastieri, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, A Frolov, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, RT Génova-Santos, M Gerbino, T Ghosh, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, W Handley, FK Hansen, G Helou, D Herranz, SR Hildebrandt, Z Huang, AH Jaffe, A Karakci, E Keihänen, R Keskitalo, K Kiiveri, J Kim, TS Kisner, N Krachmalnicoff, M Kunz, H Kurki-Suonio, G Lagache, JM Lamarre, A Lasenby, M Lattanzi, CR Lawrence, M Le Jeune, F Levrier, M Liguori, PB Lilje, V Lindholm, M López-Caniego, PM Lubin, YZ Ma, JF Maciás-Pérez, G Maggio, D Maino, N Mandolesi, A Mangilli, A Marcos-Caballero, M Maris, PG Martin, E Martínez-González
– Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Research Group

Relativity and Gravitation




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