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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


since 2017: Professor of Applied Mathematics - University of Cambridge 

since 2013: Fellow and College Lecturer in Mathematics - Trinity College

2015-2017: Reader in Applied Mathematics - University of Cambridge 

2013-2015: University Senior Lecturer - University of Cambridge 

2010-2013: Associate Professor - University of California, San Diego

2007-2010: Assistant Professor - University of California, San Diego

2006-2007: Assistant Professor - Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

2005-2006: Postdoctoral Associate - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2005: Lecturer - Harvard University


2005: PhD in Applied Mathematics - Harvard University

2001: MS in Fluid Mechanics - University of Paris VI Pierre et Marie Curie 

2001: Diplome Corps des Mines - École des Mines de Paris

1998: Diplome d’Ingénieur - École Polytechnique


2024: FRS

2024: Fellow, Euromech

2018Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research, APS 

2016: Fellow, American Physical Society 

2016: Teaching Award - Cambridge University Students' Union 

2015: François Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics, APS 

2015: Exemplary Mentor Award, Quality of Life Research Center

2012: Faculty Mentorship Award, UCSD Graduate Student Association

2010-2011: Teacher of the Year Award - MAE, UC San Diego 

2008-2013: National Science Foundation CAREER Award

2006: Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics, APS

2005-2006: Hock Tan Postdoctoral Fellowship - Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2004, 2005: Derek Bok Teaching Award - Harvard University

2003: Engineering and Applied Sciences Teaching Award, Harvard

1998-2001: Corps des Mines Fellowship - Ecole des Mines de Paris

1998 : Prix d’Option in Mechanics - Ecole Polytechnique


since 2021: Chief Editor - Physical Review Fluids

2016-2021: Associate Editor - Physical Review Fluids

2019: Guest editor - PLOS Computational Biology 

2019: Guest editor - Proc. of the Natl. Academy of Sciences of the USA

2013-2016: Associate Editor - Physics of Fluids 

2011-2016: Associate Editor - European Physical Journal E 

2009-2016: Associate Editor - Journal of Fluids and Structures 

2008-2016: Moderator for Fluid Dynamics - 


Rotational mobility in spherical membranes: The interplay between Saffman-Delbrück length and inclusion size
M Vona, E Lauga
Fluid mechanics of luminal transport in actively contracting endoplasmic reticulum.
PH Htet, E Avezov, E Lauga
Fluid mechanics of luminal transport in actively contracting endoplasmic reticulum
PH Htet, E Avezov, E Lauga
– eLife
Helical locomotion in dilute suspensions
A Théry, A Zambrano, E Lauga, R Zenit
Editorial: Announcing Methods: New Experiments, Algorithms, and Theory (NEAT)
B McKeon, E Lauga, B Rubin, A Ardekani, J Chen, K Duraisamy, S Lele, J Ling, G Rigas, P Schmid
– Physical Review Fluids
Physical mechanism reveals bacterial slowdown above a critical number of flagella
M Tătulea-Codrean, E Lauga
– J R Soc Interface
Physical mechanism reveals bacterial slowdown above a critical number of flagella
M Tătulea-Codrean, E Lauga
– Journal of The Royal Society Interface
Effective extensional–torsional elasticity and dynamics of helical filaments under distributed loads
M Gomez, E Lauga
– Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Hydrodynamic Mechanism for Stable Spindle Positioning in Meiosis II Oocytes
W Liao, E Lauga
– PRX Life
Modelling Mucus Clearance in Sinuses: Thin-Film Flow Inside a Fluid-Producing Cavity Lined with an Active Surface.
N Desai, E Lauga
– Bulletin of mathematical biology
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Research Groups

Biological Physics and Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics




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