Satvik is a PhD student in the Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations (CQIF) group within the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). He is also affiliated with the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCIMI). Satvik's research is on the mathematical aspects of quantum information theory.
Satvik Singh and Ion Nechita. Diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries in quantum theory II: Evolution operator. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 255302 (2022).
Satvik Singh and Nilanjana Datta. Detecting positive quantum capacities of quantum channels. npj Quantum Inf 8, 50 (2022).
Satvik Singh and Ion Nechita. The PPT2 Conjecture Holds for All Choi-Type Maps. Ann. Henri Poincaré (2022).
Satvik Singh. Entanglement detection in triangle-free quantum states. Phys. Rev. A 103, 032436 (2021).
Satvik Singh and Ion Nechita. Diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries in quantum theory. Quantum 5, 519 (2021).
Ion Nechita and Satvik Singh. A graphical calculus for integration over random diagonal unitary matrices. Linear Algebra Its Appl 613, 46-86 (2021)