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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


M.G. Eastwood, & T. Moy, Spinors in five-dimensional contact geometrySIGMA 18 (2022), 031


M. Dunajski, & T. Moy, Heavenly metrics, hyper-Lagrangians and Joyce structures, (2024)

Other work:

An Introduction to the Penrose Transform: The Cohomological Viewpoint, Part III Essay (2022)

Legendrean and G2 Contact Structures, MPhil Thesis (2021)


Two parabolic contact geometries in five dimensions, Cartan Geometry and Related Topics, Geilo (2023)

Hyper-kähler metrics from isomonodromy, Integrable Systems and Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of Glasgow (2024)

The twistor geometry of a family of Schrödinger equations, (Video),(Notes),  Twistor theory, Isaac Newton Institute Programme (2024)

Research Group

High Energy Physics

