Dr Bogdan Roman
I'm a senior researcher in the Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare at the Pure Maths department and a visiting Research Fellow at the Computer Science and Technology department. I also chair the Computer Science Admissions Test (CSAT) which I designed, and coordinate the Cambridge Imaging Clinic (a drop-in advice clinic on imaging techniques in science and medicine).
Office: F2.05
Research bits
Interested in compressed sensing, signal processing, sampling theory, inverse problems, computational mathematics.
Our Helium atoms microscope project, a collaboration between Cambridge Cavendish lab, Cambridge Maths departments, Glasgow, and a consortium of industrial partners, was funded by the EPSRC. The aim is to develop a revolutionary new technique - Scanning Helium Microscopy (SHeM) - achieving sub 50nm resolution (>50x improvement over the state of the art) relevant to a diverse range of academic and industrial end-users. There are many clear advantages for microscopy with a beam of neutral atoms, e.g. exclusive surface sensitivity; complete absence of beam damage or sample charging; huge depth of field with large working distances; and unique new forms of contrast.
It aims to establish standard imaging modalities by exploring the fundamental physics controlling contrast formation, and to develop techniques and algorithms for data collection and image formation in the extreme signal-poor regime. The applications range from characterising nanosurfaces to improving the next generation of organic electronics and medical implants.
Our proposal "IMPROVED SPATIAL RESOLUTION AND TARGETED SAMPLING IN MRI" by Bogdan Roman, Martin J Graves, Anders Hansen, David J Lomas was selected by the University after an internal competition as the University's nomination for the prestigious Rosetrees Interdisciplinary Prize 2016 (250,000 GBP). This is work done in collaboration with the Radiology department and Cambridge University Hospitals on MRI, using General Electric 1.5T and 3T scanners. It showcases visible resolution improvement and shorter acquisition time simultaneously in a clinical setting. This can impact both clinical and research applications, allowing for improved morphological and functional imaging with the potential for earlier and improved diagnosis and outcomes. The work extends the practical validation done by Siemens in 2015 of our compressed sensing research.
The Rosetrees Trust was established in 1987 to fund life-changing medical research. The Rosetrees Interdisciplinary Prize is an annual award for innovative and impactful interdisciplinary research on biomedical problems.
Siemens validated in practice, using a modified MRI machine, the asymptotic sparsity, asymptotic incoherence and high resolution concepts introduced by our work (see Breaking the coherence barrier: A new theory for compressed sensing and also On asymptotic structure in compressed sensing). Their ISMRM paper can be found here. Their results and conclusion states:
“The image resolution has been greatly improved [...]. Current results practically demonstrated that it is possible to break the coherence barrier by increasing the spatial resolution in MR acquisitions. This likewise implies that the full potential of the compressed sensing is unleashed only if asymptotic sparsity and asymptotic incoherence is achieved. ”
Teaching and Admissions
Lecture the Part IA Numerical Analysis (CST) course, Co-lecture the Part III course on Sampling and Compressed Sensing (MST). See my CL homepage for my teaching, supervising and research related to computer science and engineering.
Coordinate the Computer Science Admissions Test (CSAT), which is, in a nutshell, a non-trivial and maths paper on a broad range of topics. It's taken by CompSci undergraduate applicants to Cambridge.
Probability questions and puzzles. These are short, yet not all trivial (I use some of them in my introduction to probability supervisions).
Alternative solutions, extensions or new questions for any of the above are very welcome.
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- B. Adcock, A. C. Hansen, C. Poon, B. Roman, Breaking the coherence barrier: A new theory for compressed sensing, Sigma, 2017
- B. Roman, B. Adcock, R. Calderbank, M. Graves, D. Nietlispach, M. Bostock, I. Calvo-Almazan, A. Hansen, Exploiting asymptotic structure to enhance resolution in undersampled physical imaging, 2017 (in revision)
- B. Roman, A. Bastounis, B. Adcock, A. Hansen, On fundamentals of models and sampling in compressed sensing, 2016 (in submission)
- B. Roman, B. Adcock, A. Hansen, On asymptotic structure in compressed sensing, arXiv:1406.4178, 2015
- B. Adcock, A. Hansen, B. Roman, Compressed sensing with local structure: Theory, applications and benefits , IEEE Samp. Theory and Appl., SampTA'15, 2015
- B. Adcock, A. C. Hansen, B. Roman, The quest for optimal sampling: Computationally efficient, structure-exploiting measurements for compressed sensing, Book: Compressed Sensing and Its Applications, Springer, 2015
- B. Adcock, A. C. Hansen, B. Roman, A note on compressed sensing of structured sparse wavelet coefficients from subsampled Fourier measurements, arXiv:1403.6541, 2014
- B. Adcock, A. C. Hansen, B. Roman, G. Teschke, Generalized sampling: stable reconstructions, inverse problems and compressed sensing over the continuum, Book series: Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 182, Elsevier, 2014
- B. Adcock, A. C. Hansen, C. Poon, B. Roman, Breaking the coherence barrier: asymptotic incoherence and asymptotic sparsity in compressed sensing, IEEE Samp. Theory and Appl., SampTA'13, 2013
- S. Akoush, R. Sohan, B. Roman, A. Rice, A. Hopper, Activity Based Sector Synchronisation: Efficient Transfer of Disk-State For WAN Live Migration, IEEE Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS'11, 2011
- B. Roman, I. Wassell, I. Chatzigeorgiou, Cross-Layer Wireless Access Control Using Multi-Carrier Burst Contention, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 113-128, 2011
- B. Roman, I. Chatzigeorgiou, I. Wassell, F. Stajano, Evaluation of Multi-Carrier Burst Contention and IEEE 802.11 with Fading During Channel Sensing, IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC'09, 2009
- B. Roman, F. Stajano, I. Wassell, D. Cottingham, Multi-Carrier Burst Contention (MCBC): Scalable Medium Access Control for Wireless Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC'08, 2008
- B. Roman, F. Stajano, Scalable Medium Access Control, Microsoft Research Workshop 2007 (won 2nd place), Cambridge, UK, 2007
PhD Thesis:
B. Roman, Scalable Cross-Layer Wireless Medium Access Control,
University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, 2011