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 @phdthesis{GrahPhD,   author = {Joana Sarah Grah},   title = {Mathematical Imaging Tools in Cancer Research - From Mitosis Analysis to Sparse Regularisation},   school = {University of Cambridge},   year = {2017},   url = {} } 

 @phdthesis{LeePhD,   author = {Juheon Lee},   title = {Mapping individual trees from airborne multi-sensor imagery},   school = {University of Cambridge},   year = {2016},   url = {} } 

 @phdthesis{CalatroniPhD,   author = {Luca Calatroni},   title = {New PDE models for imaging problems and applications},   school = {University of Cambridge},   year = {2016},   url = {} } 

 @phdthesis{PapoutsellisPhD,   author = {Evangelos Papoutsellis},   title = {First-order gradient regularisation methods for image restoration: reconstruction of tomographic images with thin structures and denoising piecewise affine images},   school = {University of Cambridge},   year = {2016},   url = {} } 

 @phdthesis{PapafitsorosPhD,   author = {Kostas Papafitsoros},   title = {Novel higher order regularisation methods for image reconstruction},   school = {University of Cambridge},   year = {2015},   url = {} } 

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