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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group


2023 - Present PhD in the High Energy Physics group

2022 - 2023 MASt in Applied Mathematics (Part III Maths)

2019 - 2022 BSc Physics with Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London


Research Interest

My supervisor is Professor Sean Hartnoll. I am mostly interested in Gauge-Gravity Duality in general. At the moment I am particularly interested in the IKKT (Ishibashi-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya) matrix model, conjectured to non-perturbatively describe type IIB superstring theory. There exists a supersymmetric mass deformation of IKKT - the polarized IKKT model. This mass deformed model has proven to have a rich structure that could help building a holographic dictionary for the IKKT model. Relatedly, I am also interested in the BFSS (Banks-Fishler-Shenker-Susskind) and its mass deformation BMN (Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase) matrix quantum mechanics, conjectured to describe M-theory in eleven dimensions. 


S. Hartnoll, J. Liu, "The Polarised IKKT Model",


Part IA Vectors and Matrices Supervisions (Michaelmas 2023)

Part IA Vector Calculus Supervisions (Lent 2024)


Research Group

High Energy Physics

