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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group

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  • Currently displaying 21 - 40 of 2933 publications
A non-perturbative second law of black hole mechanics in effective field theory
I Davies, HS Reall
– Physical review letters
Impact of bunch intensity asymmetry in colliders featuring strong beamstrahlung
KLN Nguyen, X Buffat, P Kicsiny, T Pieloni
Self Gravitating Spinning String Condensates
JE Santos, Y Zigdon
Non-factorisable contributions of strong-penguin operators in Λb→ Λℓ+ℓ− decays
T Feldmann, N Gubernari
– Journal of High Energy Physics
$DK/D\pi$ scattering and an exotic virtual bound state at the $SU(3)$ flavour symmetric point from lattice QCD
JDE Yeo, CE Thomas, DJ Wilson
Two-dimensional gauge anomalies and $p$-adic numbers
I Camp, B Gripaios, KLN Nguyen
A cosmological bootstrap for resonant non-Gaussianity
CD Pueyo, E Pajer
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Dynamics of Chiral Fermions
K Onder
How to build a black hole out of instantons
R Mouland
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Sudden breakdown of effective field theory near cool Kerr-Newman black holes
GT Horowitz, M Kolanowski, GN Remmen, JE Santos
Froggatt-Nielsen Meets the SMEFT
E Loisa, J Talbert
Conformal quantum mechanics, holomorphic factorisation, and ultra-spinning black holes
N Dorey, R Mouland
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Linearised Second Law for Higher Curvature Gravity and Non-Minimally Coupled Vector Fields
AC Wall, Z Yan
The In-Out Formalism for In-In Correlators
Y Donath, E Pajer
New Well-Posed Boundary Conditions for Semi-Classical Euclidean Gravity
X Liu, JE Santos, T Wiseman
A Cosmological Tachyon Collider: Enhancing the Long-Short Scale Coupling
C McCulloch, E Pajer, X Tong
Six-Dimensional Correlators From a Five-Dimensional Operator Product Expansion
N Lambert, A Lipstein, R Mouland
Dualities and Categorical Structures from 2D Up
V Pasquarella
On the Hilbert Space of Dyons
R Mouland, D Tong
Fermion-Monopole Scattering in the Standard Model
MV Beest, PB Smith, D Delmastro, R Mouland, D Tong