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About the group

The group carries out research into a wide range of topics involving astrophysical fluid dynamics and nonlinear dynamics. Specific astrophysical interests include the dynamics of astrophysical discs, planetary formation and evolution, extrasolar planetary systems and stellar magnetohydrodynamics (particularly dynamo theory, magnetoconvection and the physics of sunspots).

Read more at: Vacancies


Applications are welcomed for PhD studentships in the Astrophysics group (closing date 4 January 2024).

Read more at: PhD opportunties

PhD opportunties

A wide range of possible research topics is available and we welcome enquiries from potential applicants. The closing date for applications is 4 January 2024.

Read more at: Astrophysical dynamics

Astrophysical dynamics

Discs are ubiquitous in astrophysics and participate in some of its most important processes. Most, but not all, feed a central mass: by facilitating the transfer of angular momentum, they permit the accretion of material that would otherwise stay in orbit. As a consequence, discs are essential to star, planet and satellite formation. They also regulate the growth of supermassive black holes and thus indirectly influence galactic structure and the intra-cluster medium.

Read more at: Atomic astrophysics

Atomic astrophysics

Atomic physics plays a key role in astrophysics as astronomers' only information about a particular object comes through the light that it emits, and this light arises through atomic transitions. The main astronomical body that we study is the Sun and, in particular, the hot atmosphere of the Sun called the corona. The best parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to study the corona are the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-rays.


Recent Publications

Early stages of gap opening by planets in protoplanetary discs
AJ Cordwell, RR Rafikov
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Horseshoes and spiral waves: capturing the 3D flow induced by a low-mass planet analytically
JJ Brown, GI Ogilvie
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
The physical mechanism of the streaming instability
N Magnan, T Heinemann, HN Latter
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
The physical mechanism of the streaming instability
N Magnan, T Heinemann, HN Latter
Prandtl–Batchelor Flow in a Cylindrical Domain
E Dormyand, HK Moffatt
– SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars

There are no upcoming talks currently scheduled in this series.