Research in DAMTP is loosely organised into eight broad subject areas:
- Applied and Computational Analysis
- Astrophysics
- Geophysics
- Fluid and Solid Mechanics
- Mathematical Biology
- Quantum Information
- High Energy Physics
- General Relativity and Cosmology
The boundaries between the areas are not rigid and evolve with time. Many members of staff contribute to more than one area and this is regarded as a key factor in the continuing success of DAMTP. Research in each of the subject areas involves collaboration with strong groups nationally and internationally, and participation in numerous interdisciplinary projects and programmes.
Applied and Computational Analysis
Applied and Computational Analysis (ACA) at DAMTP spans a wide range of themes in partial differential equations, numerical analysis, dynamical systems and integrable systems. Its underlying organising principle is an inquiry into issues of interest in applications of mathematics and forging tools and methodology that are relevant in applications.
Professional and Support Staff:
Emeritus Staff:
This extended group addresses the science of atmosphere, cryosphere, ocean and solid Earth. DAMTP has been active in these areas since its formation in 1959, largely through staff who combine interests in fundamental fluid or solid mechanics with geophysical applications. As the relevant fundamental areas have matured DAMTP staff have naturally broadened their research further into application areas or, in some cases, have played major roles in establishing new 'fundamental' areas, such as the fluid mechanics of solidification and freezing.
Professional and Support Staff:
Emeritus Staff:
College Teaching Officer:
Fluid and Solid Mechanics
The research of this large group extends through fluid mechanics, granular flow and solid mechanics, and an extremely wide range of applications. Members of this group are active in experimental work in the GK Batchelor Laboratory. Overall the main approach to solving scientific and industrial problems is to seek physical understanding through construction and (often asymptotic) analysis of the simplest mathematical model that is consistent both with the laws of physics and with experimental observation.
Professional and Support Staff:
Emeritus Staff:
College Teaching Officer:
Mathematical Biology
Research areas include biomechanics, biological physics, epidemiology and computational neuroscience. Part of the group plays a major role in the CCBI which is a recent cross-School initiative, hosted in DAMTP, to bring together the exceptional strengths of Cambridge in medicine, biology, mathematics and the physical sciences.
Emeritus Staff:
Quantum Information
Activities of this group are focused in the CQIF. Research topics include quantum cryptography (a particular strength), quantum computing algorithms, quantum information theory, quantum control, and modelling the implementation of quantum computers in physical systems.
Emeritus Staff:
College Teaching Officer:
High Energy Physics
This is one of two large groups in theoretical physics, the other being the General Relativity and Cosmology group. Advances on several fronts have led to a breakdown of the historical divisions between the two groups and several staff members are members of both. The group is active in Particle Physics Phenomenology, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, and Lattice Field Theory. (Particle physics related to the Big Bang and very early universe are covered under General Relativity and Cosmology.)
Professional and Support Staff:
Emeritus Staff:
College Teaching Officer:
General Relativity and Cosmology
The interests and membership of this large group overlap with those of the High Energy Physics group. It hosts the COSMOS supercomputer, a national facility dedicated to studies of early Universe physics and the new Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (CTC). Despite its infancy the CTC has already hosted several conferences and workshops, including 'The Very Early Universe; 25 years on'. The group is active in numerical relativity, supergravity, discrete gravity, M-theory/string theory and cosmology.