Hamza Fawzi
Home Research group Publications Talks/Slides Code
- The set of separable states has no finite semidefinite representation except in dimension 3x2, SIAM Applied Algebraic Geometry 2019 (Bern), ICMS 2019 (Edinburgh)
- Polyhedral approximations of the positive semidefinite cone, ICERM Workshop on Real Algebraic Geometry and Optimization 2018 (Providence, RI), ICCOPT 2019 (Berlin), Tilburg 2019
- Semidefinite approximations of the matrix logarithm. Talk given at various places, including Oxford, Manchester, Alan Turing Institute, UC Louvain, Paris, Amsterdam.
- Semidefinite programming lifts and sparse sums-of-squares
presented at Cornell ORIE Workshop on Data-Driven Decision-Making, October 2015.
Equivariant semidefinite lifts and sum-of-squares hierarchies
presented at International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP) 2015, July 2015, Pittsburgh.
- Sparse sum-of-squares certificates on finite abelian groups
presented in March 2015 at
- Caltech Computing and Mathematical Sciences seminar
- UCLA Electrical Engineering seminar
- Georgia Tech Mathematics - Algebra Seminar
Equivariant semidefinite lifts of regular polygons
presented at the 5th Cargèse Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, September 2014, Cargèse (France).
Self-scaled bounds for atomic cone ranks: applications to nonnegative rank and cp-rank
presented in May 2014 at
Lower bounds on nonnegative rank via nonnegative nuclear norms
presented at
Secure state-estimation for dynamical systems under active adversaries
presented at Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 2011.